
Swedish30 Mins: $80 / 60 Mins: $100 / 90 Mins: $140 
Swedish massage is the most common and best-known type of massage that focuses on overall relaxation, circulation, and physical and mental wellness. This technique includes gliding, kneading, tapping, stretching, and cross-friction strokes. If you’ve never experienced a massage, the Swedish massage is the best place to start.

The Swedish massage is a “soothe” massage, not a “pressure” massage. The end result will relax all of the muscles in your body and release any pain that tension has created. A Swedish massage is one of the best ways to raise your “good” hormonal levels because it boosts serotonin, a calming hormone, as well as oxytocin, a “feel good” hormone.

Deep Tissue 30 Mins: $100 / 60 Mins: $120 / 90 Mins: $160
Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). It is helpful for chronic pains and to release muscle tightness. The movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension.

Hot Stones30 Mins: $80 / 60 Mins: $100
Hot stone massage is an ancient Chinese technique that is the perfect modality to soothe, relax and de-stress your mind and whole body.

Basalt stones are heated to approximately 125-135 degrees prior to your session. After warming your body with some traditional Swedish massage techniques, I will use the stones as an extension of my hands to massage your muscles. The stones will warm your body and loosen your muscles to allow for a release of tension and stress without adding extra pressure. The feeling is both highly relaxing and therapeutic.

Trigger Points30 Mins: $80 / 60 Mins: $100
A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache.

The results and benefits of trigger point massage are releasing constricted areas in the muscles thus alleviating pain. You can experience a significant decrease in pain after just one treatment. Receiving massage with trigger point therapy on a regular basis can help naturally manage pain and stress from chronic injuries.

Sports30 Mins: $100 / 60 Mins: $120 / 90 Mins: $160
Sports Massage is important for every level of athlete from cross-country runners to power lifters to football players. Before an event, sports massage allows for the player to loosen their muscles and after an event it allows the player to relax the muscles to decrease the chance of sports related stress injuries. Sports massage is also a key element in preventing injuries and also helping athletes recover more quickly from injuries. Using Sports Massage properly will help athletes maintain and even improve upon their conditioning. Three main types of massage are integrated in a therapeutic Sports Massage to maximize the health and/or repair benefits of it.

Prenatal Therapeutic 30 Mins: $80 / 60 Mins: $100 / 90 Mins: $140
Prenatal massage is an excellent way for expectant mothers to relax and release the tensions that inevitably develop in their changing bodies. Regular massage throughout pregnancy can help women prepare for the birth experience. Prenatal sessions are done side-lying with a supportive grouping of pillows — a relaxing, comfortable and safe position. All contraindicated areas are avoided to provide a satisfying and effective massage.

Please note: Massage is contraindicated in the first trimester. Please wait until the fourth month to schedule your massage. However, after your first trimester you may schedule massages all the way up to your due date and beyond.

Soft Touch and Relaxation30 Mins: $80 / 60 Mins: $100 / 90 Mins: $140
Also known as light touch massage therapy, soft touch massage is similar in style to qigong or lymphatic drainage massage. It is designed to use fingertip touch and very gentle pinching to stimulate the body’s energy points, improve blood circulation and the natural flow of energy around the body. The technique used to perform soft touch massage is called skin rolling, or a myofascial release technique. Myofascial release involves gently tugging at the skin, which stimulates the body’s lymphatic drainage system, encouraging the release of toxins. It also helps to improve circulation, leading to a feeling of all-round well-being.