
There are so many health benefits to a good massage. At one time the spa was the only place to go, but now clinics and hospitals recognize the health benefits of a professional massage. Why? When one suffers from pain or discomfort throughout the body, proper massage techniques can relieve this pain. For example:

By increasing circulation and oxygenation of muscles, this massage technique will allow your muscles to relax, relieving the tension that has built up and lessening the risk of injury.

If you suffer from chronically high levels of stress hormones, the soothing nature of these specialty massages can balance the metabolism and calm the mind, helping to shed your stress and worry.

Many people struggle to find restful sleep because of tension and discomfort; a massage can leave your muscles relaxed and your mind clear, leading to undisturbed and rejuvenating sleep at night.

There are some chronic diseases that can be remedied with regular hot stone massages, especially those linked to the nervous and muscular system, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The pain associated with cancer can often be unbearable, and difficult to eliminate, even with medication. Hot stone massages can relieve pain and anxiety, making the recovery process more tolerable.

By decreasing the arginine-vasopressin levels, which is a blood pressure and water retention regulating hormone in the body, the massage will also help in improving the immune system health.

The heat from a Hot Stone massage can cause your heart rate to rise and your blood vessels to dilate, thereby promoting blood flow. This also means better oxygenation to your various organ systems and more resources being delivered to those parts of the body that need them most.

Massage can be very soothing for the mental health of a person as it helps in reducing stress. It also helps in treating anxiety, depression, and induces a feeling of relaxation, both in the mind and the body.